
Whenever I find a quote or thought I like it is added to my collection.  I hope that some of these will make you smile!

Never play cards with a man called Doc.
Never eat at a place called Mom’s.
Never sleep with a woman whose troubles are worse than your own.
 -Nelson Algren
All this buttoning and unbuttoning.
 -18th Century suicide note
The conversation of women is like the straw around china.
Without it everything would be broken.
Bigamy is having one husband too many.
Monogamy is the same.
A committee is a group of the unwilling,
Chosen from the unfit,
To do the unnecessary.
A wise man knows everything: A shrewd one everybody.
Nil carborundum illegitimi.
To err is human,
But to really foul things up requires a computer.
The hand of the giver is never empty.
Love is, above all, the gift of oneself.
 -Jean Anouilh
They couldn’t hit an elephant from this dist…
 -Army officer
Mankind is divisible into two great classes: hosts and guests.
 -Max Beerbohm
It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.
 -William Blake
He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man.
 -Book of Proverbs
Guidelines for bureaucrats:
(1) When in charge, ponder.
(2) When in trouble, delegate.
(3) When in doubt, mumble.
 -James H Boren
All students are gifted;
Some just open their packages earlier than others.
 -Michael Carr
Few people do business well who do nothing else.
 -Lord Chesterfield
Happiness is a mystery like Religion and should never be rationalised.
 -G K Chesterton
This is the sort of English up with which I will not put.
 -Winston Churchill
Jaw, jaw is better than war, war.
 -Winston Churchill
A friend is, as it were, a second self.
No-one can give you better advice than yourself.
When you have nothing to say,
Say nothing.
 -Charles Caleb Colton
Love is a fire.
But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn your house,
you never can tell.
 -Joan Crawford
It is better to wear out than to rust out.
 -Richard Cumberland
When there is room in the heart, there is room in the house.
 -Danish saying
A Conservative government is an organised hypocrisy.
 -Benjamin Disreali
Youth is a blunder;
Manhood a struggle;
Old age a regret.
 -Benjamin Disreali
There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.
 -Benjamin Disreali
Every woman should marry and no man.
 -Benjamin Disreali
What we anticipate seldom occurs;
What we least expect generally happens.
 -Benjamin Disreali
Genius is one percent inspiration,
Ninety-nine percent perspiration.
 -Thomas Alva Edison
I never think of the future.
It comes soon enough.
 -Albert Einstein
One must be poor to know the luxury of giving.
 -George Eliot
In every parting there is an image of death.
 -George Eliot
“The Twelve Months”
Snowy, Flowy, Blowy,
Showery, Flowery, Bowery,
Hoppy, Croppy, Droppy,
Breezy, Sneezy, Freezy.
 -George Ellis
Absence and salt water wash away love.
 -English Saying
There is nothing so rare as gratitude in males, especially in husbands.
 -Henry Fielding
A man in love is incomplete until he has married.
Then he’s finished.
 -Zsa Zsa Gabor
There is no bad beer:  Some kinds are better than others.
 -German Saying
I was never less alone than while by myself.
 -Edward Gibbon
Some men are born mediocre,
Some men achieve mediocrity,
And some have mediocrity thrust upon them.
 -Joseph Heller
Life is just one damned thing after another.
 -Elbert Hubbard
Jenny kissed me when we met,
Jumping from the chair she sat in;
Time you thief, who love to get
Sweets into your list, put that in:
Say I’m weary, say I’m sad,
Say that health and wealth have missed me,
Say I’m growing old, but add,
Jenny kissed me.
 -Leigh Hunt
The eye should be blind in the house of another.
 -Irish Saying
If things are not as you like, like them as they are.
 -Jewish Saying
The man who marries for money earns it.
 -Jewish Saying
Cheer up!  The worst is yet to come!
 -Philander Chase Johnson
Freedom has many difficulties and democracy is not perfect, but we never had to put up a wall to keep our people in.
 -President John F. Kennedy, 26th June 1963
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
 -Bert Lance
Literature is mostly about having sex and not much about having children.
Life is the other way round.
 -David Lodge
The car has become an article of dress without which we feel uncertain, unclad and incomplete in the urban compound.
 -Marshall McLuhan
Inspiration is inspiration - go for yours.
From the moment I picked it up until I laid it down, I was convulsed with laughter.
Some day I intend reading it.
 -Groucho Marx
Conversation is one of the greatest pleasures of life.
But it wants leisure.
 -Somerset Maugham
Fat men are the Salt and savour of the Earth.
 -Herman Melville
Wives are plentiful, friends are rare.
 -George Meredith
Oh, a wondrous bird is the pelican!
His beak holds more than his belican.
He takes in his beak
Food enough for a week.
But I’ll be darned if I know how the helican.
 -Dixon Lanier Merritt
On the Continent people have good food;
In England people have good table manners.
 -George Mikes
Continental people have sex life;
The English have hot water bottles.
 -George Mikes
An  Englishman, even if he is alone, forms an orderly queue of one.
 -George Mikes
An aristocracy in a republic is like a chicken whose head has been cut off:
It may run about in a lively way, but in fact it is dead.
 -Nancy Mitford
Wooing, so tiring.
 -Nancy Mitford
If you are sure you understand everything that is going on,
You are hopelessly confused.
 -Walter Mondale
If you have to be dumb to be beautiful, I’d rather be ugly and smart!
 -Karen Mulder (Top Model)
By the time you say you’re his,
Shivering and sighing
And he vows his passion is
Infinite, undying -
Lady, make a note of this:
One of you is lying.
 -Dorothy Parker
You can lead a horticulture, but you can’t make her think.
 -Dorothy Parker
Love is like quicksilver in the hand.
Leave the fingers open and it stays.
Clutch it and it darts away.
 -Dorothy Parker
Expenditure rises to meet income.
 -C Northcote Parkinson
Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.
 -C Northcote Parkinson
Time spent on any item of the agenda will be in inverse proportion to the sum involved.
 -C Northcote Parkinson
The man who is denied the opportunity of taking decisions of importance begins to regard as important the decisions he is allowed to take.
 -C Northcote Parkinson
Welcome the coming, speed the parting guest.
 -Alexander Pope
Visits always give pleasure, if not the coming, then the going.
 -Portuguese Saying
No pleasure ever lasts long enough.
Advice to persons about to marry.  Don’t.
If we do not succeed, then we run the risk of failure.
 -Dan Quayle
We expect them to work toward the elimination of human rights.
 -Dan Quayle
My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you I’ve just signed legislation which outlaws Russia.  The bombing begins in five minutes.
 -Ronald Reagan
Generosity is the happy medium between parsimony and profusion.
 -Samuel Richardson
We are more often liked for our defects than our qualities.
 -Le Rochefoucald
Total abstinence is easier than perfect moderation.
 -St. Augustine
The cook was a good cook, as cooks go;
And as good cooks go, she went.
A gift that is begrudged is already recalled.
Welcome is the best dish in the kitchen.
 -Scottish Proverb
Never trust much to a new friend or an old enemy.
 -Scottish Saying
The Cavaliers (Wrong but Wromantic) and the Roundheads (Right but Repulsive).
 -W C Sellar and R J Yeatman
The National Debt is a very Good Thing and is would be dangerous to pay it off, for fear of “Political Economy”.
 -W C Sellar and R J Yeatman
There is no love sincerer than the love of food.
 -George Bernard Shaw
What Englishman will give his mind to politics as long as he can afford to keep a motor car.
 -George Bernard Shaw
Alcohol is a very necessary article..  It makes life bearable to millions of people who could not endure their existence if they were quite sober.
 -George Bernard Shaw
England and America are two countries divided by a common language.
 -George Bernard Shaw
Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.
 -B F Skinner
The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at once.
 -Samuel Smiles
But I’m not quite so think as you drunk I am.
 -Sir J C Squire
There is no duty so much underrated as the duty of being happy.
 -R L Stevenson
Life would be very pleasant if it were not for its enjoyments.
 -R S Surtees
Bachelors’ Fare: bread and cheese and kisses
 -Jonathan Swift
The best is the enemy of the good.
The more I wonder…the more I love.
 -Alice Walker
For the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.
 -William Ross Wallace
Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good.
 -Charlotte Whitton
The truth is rarely pure, and never simple.
 -Oscar Wilde
All women become like their mothers.  That is their tragedy.
No man does.  That’s his.
 -Oscar Wilde
The English country gentlemen galloping after a fox - the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable.
 -Oscar Wilde
Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast.
 -Oscar Wilde
Anything becomes a pleasure if one does it too often.
 -Oscar Wilde
Hindsight is always twenty-twenty.
 -Billy Wilder
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral or fattening.
 -Alexander Woollcott
He first deceased; she for a little tried
To live without him; liked it not, and died.
 -Sir Henry Wotton
Most rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for people who can’t read.
 -Frank Zappa